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Sewing Lesson Fees

Kid Fees

New Students-kids


$65.00 Level One Kids Sewing Lesson Book- Mandatory Purchase

Session sewing fees varies depending on amount of classes as noted on the payment page..  This fee will include a session of sewing.  Either September to December, or January to March or April to June.  


Returning Students-kids


Session Fee Varies based on amount of classes per session.  Fee if $18.00 per hour


There is a registration fee of $20 for each NEW student. This fee goes towards the students organizing binder (yours to keep), handouts, practice sheets, sewing tools, equipment maintenance and bulk supplies (Thread, pins/needles, notions, etc.) Returning Student registration fee is $10 per session.  Each session consists of approximately 12 lessons, depending on what days holidays fall. . 
Tuition includes use of studio sewing machines, sewing tools and some notions (I supply most thread, fiberfil, felt, interfacing, fusible fleece, ribbon and scrap fabric for projects, etc.)

Students are responsible for supplying their own fabric for projects and some notions (Elastic, cording, etc.) Nobody wants ME picking out their pajama pants fabric :-)  Students love the opportunity to select their own project fabric.. 

Payments are expected on or before the first class of the month. Payment can be made in the form of cash, cheque, money email transfer or by all major credit cards through this link.  You will be invoice monthly for lessons and any supplies or purchases.  



What’s included?
Sewing Machines will be provided
All tools needed for cutting, pinning and sewing are supplied.  

What students should bring?
Students are expected to purchase their fabric and notions for each project. (A list of supplies needed will be given as needed) .  Fabric and supplies can now be purchased in class or through this website. 


Make Up Classes

I will try to accommodate make ups - but as the schedule fills - this will become difficult. No refunds or discounts will be given for missed classes, but you will be offered one make-ups per session. Missed classes will be made up by appointment only. Twenty-four  hour notice is appreciated if you are going to miss your scheduled class.   Please make every effort to attend your scheduled class.



Adult Fees


Beginner lesson fee is $250.00 payable upon registration.- includes 6 - 2 hour lessons.  After the first set of lessons the fee goes down to $145.00 per month.  The beginner classes includes fabric to make cinch bag, pattern for main project, tracing paper for pattern.  

Full payment is expected on or before the first class of the month. Payment can be made in the form of cash, email money transfer, checks, or by all major credit cards, and Paypal. 


What’s included?
Sewing Machines will be provided
All tools needed for cutting, pinning and sewing are supplied.  Covid Update- no sharing anymore.  You must have your own supplies.  

What students should bring?
Students are expected to purchase fabric and notions for each project. (A list of supplies needed will be given as needed)   NOTE: Please do not buy plaids or stripes for your projects.

Attendance is very important, so please call and let us know you will not be attending so that the class can proceed without you.  Out of respect for other students, please do not attend the class if you are sick.

Make Up Classes
I will try to accommodate make ups - but as the schedule fills - this will become difficult. No refunds or discounts will be given for missed classes, but you will be offered up to three make-ups per year. Missed classes will be made up by appointment only. Twenty-four  hour notice is appreciated if you are going to miss your scheduled class.   Please make every effort to attend your scheduled class.

© 2011-2024 Sew Something with Peg

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